Waterton National Park Service / Concessions

Glacier National Park
> Waterton Park
> Services / Concessions

Services / Concessions

Waterton Lakes National Park is open year round. Peak visitor season is during July and August. If planning a trip to Waterton during these months, it is advisable to book accommodation in advance. From late fall to early spring, most park facilities are closed, and very few services are available in the village. Read More

Providers These companies can get you there

Bayshore Inn Resort & Spa / Waterton Park Canada

The Bayshore Inn Resort & Spa provides everything you need for the perfect mountain getaway. On-site spa, newly renovated rooms, and located on the shores of Waterton Lake.

Cameron Lake Boat Rentals - Waterton Park Canada

Take advantage of this crystal clear mountain lake in one of our canoes, kayaks, row-boats or pedal boats Cameron Lake Boat Rentals is pet friendly.

Most services are located in the Waterton Park townsite. There are ten hotels, several restaurants and lounges, fuel stations, camping supplies, groceries, pool and spa, bank machines, gift shops, tennis courts and playgrounds. interpretive guides, bicycle rentals, golf course, boat tours on Upper Waterton Lake and canoe or rowboat rentals at Cameron Lake are also available.

Park Facilities and Services

When Open*

Visitor Information Center

May 12 to October 10

Park Receptionist
(Monday - Friday 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.)

All year

Waterton Townsite Campground

April 15 to October 25

Crandell Mountain Campground

May 20 to September 4

Belly River Campground

May 20 to September 11

Pass Creek Winter Campground

October 25 to April 14

Heritage Interpretation Programs

July 1 to September 4

Heritage Center(museum and bookstore operated
by the Waterton Natural History Association)

Summer months

*Weather permitting

The Waterton Park and Community Green Team provides recycling services in the village. This includes:

- recycling trailer facility for glass, tin cans, plastic, magazines, newspapers and cardboard

- re-use center to take or leave 'still useful' household items

- large green bins for commercial corrugated cardboard

- blue bins throughout the community and campgrounds for refundable beverage containers

The Green Team also sponsors educational programs and an annual community 'tree-planting' day.